5 Reasons Why You Should Donate Your Mobile Home

Donating Your Mobile Home is Easy with Banyan Mobile Home Removal

You're sitting on a piece of property with a mobile home that you don't want, but you aren't sure what to do. We've got 4 reasons why donating your mobile home is the way to go. 

 #1. Mobile Home Removal For Free

First, if you donate the mobile home, you can get it removed for free. That’s right, at NO COST to you. If you have an old mobile home on your property or real estate that you’ve been meaning to get rid of–maybe it’s an eyesore, maybe it’s just unneeded–and you haven’t known how to get rid of it? That’s where Banyan can help. And completely free. 

But wait, there’s more! 

#2. Make A Positive Impact

The next reason you should donate your mobile home is that you can make a positive difference in the lives of others. There are people who would love your old manufactured home and be grateful for the opportunity to live in it without having to spend thousands of dollars on new materials or construction costs. 

Banyan Mobile Home Removal works with trusted movers to remove your mobile home, rehab it, and give others the opportunity to have a place they call home. 

#3. Get a Tax Break

When you donate your home, you’re not just getting rid of it. You’re making a charitable donation that can be a tax write-off. If you have any questions about what can be written off and how, contact us and we’ll help you find out–or talk to your accountant. Donating your mobile home could make you money!

#4. Doing Good For Others

And, with that, our final reason is knowing that you are doing good for others; donating your mobile home gives someone else the opportunity to live in their dream home while still being able to keep up with bills and other financial responsibilities they may have.

How Do I Donate My Mobile Home?

You just found out about the benefits of donating your mobile home. But you're still not sure how to go about it. It's easy! Give the team at Banyan Mobile Home Removal a call and we'll take care of all the details for you so you don't have to stress and pay for an expensive mobile home move. We contact the local fire department, and we check to see if the mobile home meets building codes. 

Donating your mobile homes doesn't have to be difficult–give us a call today and let us help make this process as smooth as possible for you.

Call or email Banyan Mobile Home Removal today to learn more about our mobile home donation program!